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Waiting Room

Poetry, Bill Rector

A monkey sits down next to me. Not just any monkey. A

howler monkey. The howler goes where I go. I move to a chair

next to the aquarium. The monkey meets my gaze through

green water. I duck behind a dusty Ficus. Monkey see, monkey

do. I browse National Geographic, the Bible of closet

agoraphobes. The monkey picks up an old copy of Time.

Einstein regards the monkey grimly. The monkey twiddles its

thumbs. I study my secondhand Timex. The second hand isn’t

working. Doctor’s running late. The spark plugs haven’t come

in. The table for one isn’t ready yet. Is the monkey with you?

Yes. But I was here first. The monkey opens its mouth. OK,

OK. The monkey was here first


Bill Rector is a retired physician. He has published five poetry chapbooks: Lost Moth (Chapbook Prize Winner, Epiphany Magazine 2017); Biography Of A Name (Unsolicited Press, 2018); Brief Candles, (Prolific Press, 2018); Two Worlds,(White Knuckle Press); and Hats Are The Enemy Of Poetry (Finishing Line Press, 2021).


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