Photography, Louis Rees
35mm photography from a golden summer gone in Hydra.

While encapsulating the rich creativity of the island of Hyrdra, we found the first volume ofThe Journal of the Hydra Book Club Vol. 1, which explores the theme of ‘utopia.
Chris Kontos in his piece ‘There is Nowhere to Hide from the Sun’ remarks “the sun like a supernova is eating the island alive”.
Meanwhile, Charmian Clift’s prose on the island reads more fondly in Peel Me A Lotus:
“As the sun strengthens and rides higher the whitewashed walls begin to take on a dazzle at noontime. The terraced houses shimmer among the prickly pears and aloes. At morning and evening the harbor front seems to slip and slide in a moving green-gold mesh of water reflections."
Louis Rees is a filmmaker, photographer, and musician with an interest in analogue and physical media. He can be found at @louisrees_ on Instagram