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Good Morning and Goodnight & Looking Up at the Green

Fine Art, Mimi Doyo

Good Morning & Goodnight, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 60 x 80 inches (30 x 40 in. each panel)

This artwork reflects how I create, often starting with sketches and journal entries. For this piece, I drew inspiration from a journal entry that captured the contrasting emotions of my daily life. The painting shows the difference between my hectic mornings and peaceful evenings, as described in my journal: "When I wake up, I feel rushed into a loud noise, a rowdy commotion that blocks my train of thought. Overlapping conversations fill the room, and I can't think for myself." Within the painting, I wrote in pastel one of my journal entries of a poem I wrote:


Good morning, where have you been?

I miss you.

Good morning, how’d you sleep?

- I couldn’t sleep. How ‘bout you?

Good morning. I’ll just make my coffee. How’d you like your coffee?

- Black and sweeten

Good morning are you awake yet?


. . . processing, PROCESSING



I’m leaving . . .

Lock my door

Crawl under my sheets I close my eyes to shut out the world . . . goodnight.

Looking Up at The Green, 2023, Acrylic on canvas, 38 x 42 inches

In the painting 'Looking Up at The Green, ’I've included hidden lyrics and fragments of a poem I wrote to remember my grandpa, who passed away on January 26, 2014. The painting captures the emotions of that time when friends and family came by to say their goodbyes and share memories. It's a tribute to the unity we felt in our grief. The journal entry from January 28, 2021:

Thursday, January 26, 2014

I remember everything. That whole week I remember everyday

someone stop by the house to see you and say their last

goodbyes or share a cherished memory with you. In the

sadness we knew you were going to leave but in all the

grief we were together and that's all that mattered.

Looking Up at The Green, 2023

It's in the quiet moments I remember

Lemon trees, persimmon trees


The whole house,

Reminds me of you.


Mimi Doyo is a Filipino-American artist who earned her Bachelor's degree in Drawing and

Painting at California State University, Long Beach School of Art. Her art has been exhibited in

galleries at Stay Gallery, South Gate Museum, and Avenue 50 Studios in 2023. As a Ryman

Arts alumna with an Associate’s Degree in Studio Arts from Rio Hondo College, she currently

works as a Teacher Assistant for the non-profit organization Ryman Arts. Find her on IG @mimidoyo.


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