Interview By Maia Poon
Art in all its forms is so essential for our emotional wellbeing, learning about others’ lives, and sharing our own stories. Especially now, with June 2020 being Pride Month, a pivotal moment for the Black Lives Matter movement, and in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the role of art is shifting but more important than ever. I had the opportunity to provide a platform for multidisciplinary artists and writers through online interviews, and they each had something unique to share. Keep creating!

Harshena Kapoor
Erin, Ontario, Canada
1. Do you feel more or less connected to your art during social isolation?
I would say that I feel more connected to my art practice during social isolation. I have found it easier to explore new ideas and art forms while being at home because I find that there is less pressure on me to make art that appeals to the interests of others—professors, peers, etc. It has been very freeing for me to be able to make work on my own terms outside of a school environment.
2. Have you seen any noticeable changes in the subjects of your art?
I have seen noticeable differences in the subjects of my art as I have been able to move outside of my comfort zone and explore different art styles and techniques. For instance, I have been moving away from realism and exploring styles such as impressionism and abstraction. I would typically avoid painting works with an abstract subject matter; however, now my art has been leaning more in this direction.
3. Why is art important right now, with the pandemic and civil unrest around the world?
I think art is especially important right now with the pandemic and civil unrest around the world because it can be an outlet for those who are facing difficulties and can also be used to uphold and share the voices of those who are suffering. Especially right now with everything that is going on regarding injustices such as police brutality, systemic racism, and oppression facing the black community, art can be used as a platform to educate people and help make the voices of those who are being oppressed heard.